
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Palm Sunday

"Hosannah to the Son of David.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosannah in the highest heaven."Matthew 21:9

Palm Sunday sees a triumphant return of Jesus to Jerusalem.  He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and the people joyfully welcomed him by waving palms.
He was very humble and the people loved him and welcomed him as he returned into the city.

This year, we may not be able to attend mass and participate the Palm Sunday procession we usually have at each of our churches, we can read Matthew 21:1-11 and reflect on the personal meaning of the reading to each and everyone of us.

Let us remember the journey that Jesus started on this day so long ago and offer up a prayer of thanks for the love that he had for each and everyone of us, the love that took him on his journey to the cross, during the last week of his life on earth.

Please check out this link for Palm Sunday activities that are easy to do with the children at home.  Click on the Catholic Icing Logo to access the website.

 Catholic Icing

You can access daily masses if you follow Bishop Patrick Dunn on Facebook.  If not, Youtube has masses shared from catholic parishes around the world.

God bless you all on this day, the beginning of Holy Week in the year 2020.

"Have courage, trust in God, St Joseph and our Blessed Mother, and you need have no fear. "  
St. Mary MacKillop (4.4.1905)

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